
Understanding Brexit: A Concise Introduction
(BUP, 2018) £19.99
Understanding Brexit provides a concise introduction to the past, present and future of one of the most important and controversial topics in modern British politics. Written for both those familiar with the topic and those new to it, the book sets out in a clear and accessible way many of the fundamentals for understanding why Britain voted to leave the European Union and what happens next.
"An indispensable guidebook to the labyrinth of Brexit. Tim Oliver shows not only how Brexit came to happen and how it is unfolding as a series of processes in the UK, Europe and the world. More importantly, he shows how to study and analyse it." Henrik Enderlein, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin
"An excellent introductory text for the generalist reader and for students coming to Brexit as an academic subject for the first time. If you have not read a book on Brexit, this should be the first you read." Michelle Cini, University of Bristol

Europe's Brexit: EU Perspectives on Britain's Vote to Leave
(Agenda, 2018) £60
This book offers an in-depth, ground-up analysis of the attitudes and opinions of the rest of Europe towards Brexit. Covering the period from David Cameron’s attempt to negotiate EU reform prior to the referendum and closing with the triggering of Article 50, the book charts the individual member states’ response to, coverage of, and political fallout from the UK’s referendum process and result. The aim is to provide a backdrop for the future relations of those states with the UK and their likely positions during the negotiations. Drawing on the research of country experts, the book provides essential context and insight into the likely approach of the European nations towards the UK at this historic juncture.
"A welcome addition to the growing literature on the UK’s exit from the Union. It fills an important gap by mapping member-state attitudes towards Brexit and UK-EU27 negotiations and ends with a provocative question: what does a successful Brexit look like?" – Brigid Laffan, European University Institute
"An invaluable analysis of the forgotten dimension of Brexit – what do the rest of Europe think about it? Read it only if you really want to understand the negotiations and the possible outcomes better. Ignore it if you prefer cosy assumptions and think in one-dimensional terms." – Kevin Featherstone, Head of the European Institute, London School of Economics
Academic Articles
Tim Oliver and Peter Wilson, 'The International Consequences of Brexit: an English School Analysis,' Journal of European Integration, Vol. 48(8), 2019.
Brian Burgoon, Tim Oliver and Peter Trubowitz, ‘Transatlantic Cooperation Begins at Home’, Dahrendorf Forum special issue of International Politics, Vol. 54(4), 2017.
‘Never Mind the Brexit? Britain, Europe, the World & Brexit’ Dahrendorf Forum special issue of International Politics, Vol. 54(4), 2017.
‘Fifty shades of Brexit: Britain’s EU referendum and its implications for Europe and Britain’, International Spectator, Vol. 52(1) 2017.
‘European and International Views of a Potential Brexit’ Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 23(9), October 2016.
‘The World after Brexit: From British Referendum to Global Adventure’, International Politics, Vol 53(6), 2016.
Tim Oliver and Mike J. Williams, ‘Special relationships in Flux: Brexit and the US-EU and US-UK relationships’ International Affairs, Vol. 92(3), May 2016.
‘Europe’s British question: The UK-EU relationship in a changing Europe and multipolar world.’ Global Society, Vol. 29(3), July 2015.
‘To be or not to be in Europe: is that the question? Britain’s European Question and an In-Out Referendum.’ International Affairs, Vol. 91(1), January 2015.
Tim Oliver and Garvan Walshe, Making a More European Britain: The Political, Economic and Societal Impacts of Brexit. Martens Centre, Brussels, March 2020.
Tim Oliver, Garvan Walshe, Catherine Barnard, Linda Hantrais, Matthias Matthijs, Steven Peers, The Impact of the UK’s Withdrawal on EU integration. European Parliament, Brussels, July 2018.
Andrew Hammond and Tim Oliver, The 14 Brexit Negotiations. LSE IDEAS Strategic Update, March 2017.
Tim Oliver and Michael J. Williams, Making the ‘Special Relationship’ special again? Trump and UK-US relations. LSE IDEAS Strategic Update, January 2017.
Brexit: What Happens Next? LSE IDEAS Strategic Update, Jun 2016.
‘A Harsh Brexit Scenario,’ in Pol Morillas (ed.), The Brexit Scenarios: towards a new UK-EU relationship, CIDOB and LSE, June 2016.
Tim Oliver (ed.) New Challenges, New Voices: Next Generation Viewpoints on Transatlantic Relations, LSE IDEAS and Dahrendorf Forum Report, May 2016.
The Referendum Will Not be the End of the Story, Federal Trust, London February 2016.
The Geopolitics of Brexit, LSE IDEAS Strategic Update, February 2016.
Contributor to the report Devolution and the future of the union: the challenge for the new parliament. Robert Hazell (ed.), UCL Constitution Unit, May 2015.
Tim Oliver and Almut Möller (eds.), Britain outside Europe? A compilation of views of the UK-EU relationship from 26 countries in Europe and around the world. Foreword by Alexander Stubb, Prime Minister of Finland. DGAP, Berlin, September 2014.
Europe Without Britain: Assessing the potential implications for the EU of a British withdrawal, SWP 18,000 word Research Paper, September 2013.
Why an In-Out Referendum Won’t Settle the European Question in British Politics, SWP Comment, May 2013.
Chapters and Short Reports
‘Roles and Competing Visions of Europe: Britain in Search of a Role,’ chapter in Richard Rose (ed.) The Referendums Challenge to the EU, Routledge, 2020.
'Taking back control? The UK Parliament and the Brexit Withdrawal Negotiations' Stiftung Mercator, February 2019
‘The EU and Brexit: Processes, Perspectives and Prospects’ in W. Outhwaite (ed.) Brexit: Sociological Responses. London: Anthem, 2017.
‘Brexit: the impact on the EU’ in D. Bailey and L. Budd (eds.) The Implications of Brexit, London: Agenda, 2017.
‘The EU Falling Apart? Theoretical Discussions of Brexit, Grexit and Other Exit Scenarios’ in A. Grimmel and S. My Giang (eds.) Solidarity in the European Union, Springer, 2017.
‘A Europe of Dropouts? Brexit and the question of European solidarity’ in A. Grimmel (ed.) The Crisis of the European Union: Challenges, Analyses, Solutions’ Routledge, 2017.
‘Britain’s Approach to Regionally Aligned Forces’, in M. McNerney and S. Johnson (eds.) Regionally Aligned Forces: A Review. RAND, 2017.
‘Awkwardly Ever After? What if Britain had voted to leave the EEC in 1975?’ in I. Dale and D. Brack (eds.) Prime Minister Corbyn and other things that never happened, forthcoming late 2016.
‘What would a Brexit mean for the EU?’ Dahrendorf Analysis, March 2016.
‘UK Approaches to Defence Institution Building,’ in M. McNerney and S. Johnson (eds.) Defense Institution Building in Africa. RAND, January 2016.
‘The United Kingdom’ in A.M. Banerjee (ed.) Perspectives on the Foreign Policies of Major Powers. New York: Academic Foundation, 2016.
Tim Oliver and Austin Knuppe, ‘Britain’s Strategic Culture in Context: a Typology of National Security Strategies’ in R. Porter (ed.) British Foreign Policy and the National Interest. Palgrave, 2014.
‘Awkwardly Ever After: What if… Britain had voted to leave the EEC in 1975?’ in R. Parkes and A. Möller (eds.) What if the EU …? DGAP, 2014.
Tim Oliver and Ben Jones, ‘The Liberal Democrats and the UK-US Relationship’. Paper for the Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College, 2013.
‘The Future of Liberal Interventionism in UK Foreign Policy’, in G. Kummel and B. Giegerich (eds.) The Armed Forces: Towards a Post-Interventionist Era? Springer VS, 2013.
‘Why has Britain been in Afghanistan?’ in K. Oppermann (ed.) British Foreign and Security Policy: Historical Legacies and Current Challenges. Wissner-Verlag, 2012.
Michael Aktipis and Tim Oliver, ‘Europeanisation and British Foreign Policy’ in C. Hill and R. Wong (eds.) ‘National and European Foreign Policies: Towards Europeanization.’ Routledge, 2011.
Tim Oliver, ‘Britain’s Foreign Policy: Framework’ and ‘Britain’s Foreign Policy: Key Relationships’ chapters in Murray, D. (ed.) Britain’s Security Architecture. Defence and International Affairs Commissioning Course Handbook, Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, 2011.
Christopher Hill and Tim Oliver, ‘New Labour's Foreign Policy’ in G. Ziegner (ed.) ‘British Diplomacy: British Foreign Secretaries Reflect.’ Politicos, 2007.
Mick Cox and Tim Oliver, ‘British Security Policy since 9/11’, in Scenari E Visioni Per Il XXI Secolo, (eds.) Emanuela Avaro, Roberto Brambilla and Gerardo Ferrari, 2007.
Dave Allen and Tim Oliver, ‘The Europeanisation of British Foreign Policy’ in I. Bache and A. Jordan (eds.) The Europeanisation of British Politics. Palgrave, 2006.
Tim Oliver and Dave Allen, ‘The Europeanisation of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office’ in I. Bache and A. Jordan (eds.) The Europeanisation of British Politics. Palgrave, 2006.
Tim Oliver and Mick Cox, ‘Security Policy in an Insecure World’ in P. Dunleavy (ed.) Developments in British Politics 8. Palgrave, 2006.
William Wallace and Tim Oliver, ‘A Bridge Too Far: Britain and the Transatlantic Relationship’ in D. Andrews (ed.s) The Atlantic Alliance under Stress. Cambridge, 2005.
‘Goodbye Britannia? The international implications of Britain’s vote to leave the EU’, Geopolitics, History, and International Relations, Vol. 8(2), 2016.
‘The Coalition and Europe’, Journal of Liberal History, Vol. 92, summer 2016.
Steven Keil and Tim Oliver, ‘What would a US policy of ‘restraint’ mean for the Warsaw NATO Summit? A review of Barry Posen’s “Restraint”’ International Politics Review, Vol. 4, May 2016.
Mick Cox and Tim Oliver, ‘Pax Americana through the eyes of Britannia’ in La Revista de Historia Actual, April 2007.
Parliamentary Evidence
With Nick Kitchen, written evidence submitted to the House of Commons Defence select committee’s inquiry into The Indispensable ally? US, NATO and UK defence relations, submitted 30 March 2017.
Written evidence to the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee inquiry into Article 50 negotiations: Implications of “no deal”, submitted March 2017.
EU views of Brexit of Brexit submitted to the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee’s inquiry into Implications of leaving the EU for the UK’s role in the world, submitted August 2016.
With Almut Möller (DGAP), evidence submitted to the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee’s inquiry into The costs and benefits of EU membership for the UK's role in the world, submitted October 2015.
Evidence on devolution to London submitted to Commons Political and Constitutional Reform Committee’s inquiry The future of devolution after the referendum, submitted December 2014.
Evidence on the geopolitical implications of a Brexit submitted to the House of Commons Joint Committee on the 2015 National Security Strategy, submitted September 2014.
With Dan Hamilton (CTR SAIS), evidence on US views of TTIP for the House of Lords EU Sub-Committee C’s inquiry into the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, submitted November 2013.
Evidence on US views of the UK-EU relationship submitted to the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee inquiry into UK-US relations, submitted October 2013.
With Volker Perthes and Nicolai von Ondarza, SWP evidence on German views of EU security submitted to the House of Commons Joint Committee’s inquiry into the National Security Strategy, submitted February 2013.
Book Reviews
D. Dinan, N. Nugent and W. Paterson (eds.), ‘The European Union in Crisis’. Routledge, 2017. LSE Brexit blog, 7 September 2017.
H. Clarke, M. Goodwin and P. Whiteley, ‘Brexit: Why Britain Voted to Leave the EU’. LSE Brexit blog, 17 May 2017,
Cato the Younger, ‘Guilty Men: Brexit Edition’, LSE Brexit blog, August 2017.
B. Simms, ‘Britain’s Europe’, International Affairs, Vol. 95(2), 2016.
‘What would a US policy of ‘restraint’ mean for the Warsaw NATO Summit?’ International Politics Review article – written with Steven Keil - of Barry Posen’s Restraint, Vol. (1), 2016
B. Judah, ‘This is London: Life and Death in the World City’ International Affairs, May 2016.
J. Bailey et al. ‘British Generals in Blair’s Wars’ and C. Elliot, ‘High Command’, combined review in Political Studies Review, Vol. 14(3), 2016.
Z. Zhu (ed.), ‘New Dynamics in East Asian Politics: Security, Political Economy and Society’, Political Studies Review, Vol. 13(1), 2015.
M. Gehler, ‘Three Germanies: West Germany East Germany and the Berlin Republic’, Political Studies Review, Vol. 12(2), 2014.
E. Schlosser, ‘Command and Control’, International Affairs, March 2014.
A. Geddes, ‘Britain and the European Union’, International Affairs, Sep 2013.
B. Harden, ‘Escape from Camp 14. One man's remarkable odyssey from North Korea to freedom in the West’, International Affairs, September 2012.
V. Bogadanor, ‘The Coalition and the Constitution’ and R. Ingham and D. Brack, ‘Peace, Reform and Liberation: A History of Liberal Politics in Britain 1679-2011’. Combined review, International Affairs, May 2012.
S. Keukeleire & J. MacNaughtan, ‘The Foreign Policy of the European Union’ International Affairs, Vol 85(3), 2009.
P. Wilkinson (ed.), ‘Homeland Security in the UK’ Political Studies Review, 2009.
P. Beck, ‘Using History, Making British Policy’ Political Studies Review, 2008.
D. Held and D. Mepham (eds.) ‘Progressive Foreign Policy’. International Affairs, Vol. 84(1), 2008.
Carne Ross, ‘Independent Diplomat’ for International Affairs, Vol. 83(3), 2007.
G.Grainger, ‘Tony Blair and the Ideal Type’ Political Studies Review, Vol. 5(2), 2007.
Peter Oborne, ‘The Rise of Political Lying’ International Affairs, Vol. 82(4), 2006.
John Dickie, ‘The New Mandarins’ and Kevin Theakston, ‘British Foreign Secretaries since 1974’. Combined review, International Affairs, Vol. 81(1), 2005.
John Kampfner, ‘Blair’s Wars’ and Peter Stothard, ‘30 Days at the Heart of Blair’s War’. Combined review, Millennium, Vol. 32(3), 2003.
Op-Eds and other Writings
'Did you have a merry Brexmas?' Clingendael Spectator, January 2021
‘The EU’s Brexit Mistakes: Misguided, Misinterpreted and Mishandled.’ Three-part series for The Clingendael Spectator, March-April 2018.
‘Britain’s Brexit Strategy: Lions Misled by Donkeys’ Dahrendorf Forum, September 2017.
With Andrew Hammond, ‘Four Facts for Theresa May and the Brexiteers’, Wall Street Journal, 7 September 2017.
'Is Brexit Lost at Sea?’ Clingendael Spectator, 6 September 2017.
‘A Brexit Summer Reading Guide’ LSE Brexit blog, 28 July 2017.
With Alex Boyle, ‘Brexit is a fascinating case study for the next generation of students and teachers of British and European politics’, LSE Brexit blog, 8 July 2017.
‘May’s Brexit election that wasn’t’ Clingendael Spectator, 6 July 2017.
‘Dissecting the Elexit’ Dahrendorf Forum, 23 June 2017.
‘We need to talk about the London question’ UCL Constitution unit blog, 10 May 2017.
‘An English foreign policy: Little England or Little Britain?’ LSE British Politics and Policy blog, 23 April 2017.
With Andrew Hammond, ‘The Brexit negotiations to come’ Wall Street Journal, 28 March 2017.
‘Theory and Brexit: can theoretical approaches help us understand Brexit?’ LSE Brexit blog, 14 March 2017.
‘In 2017 and beyond, the UK-US special relationship will be caught between a Trump Rock and a Brexit hard place’ LSE USAPP blog, 16 January 2017.
‘Now that’s what I call Brexit! Delving into the Brexicon’ LSE Brexit Blog, December 2016.
‘Inglorious Brexit: the defence and security implications of Brexit’ Dahrendorf Forum blog, 12 December 2016.
‘Understanding non-British views of Brexit’, UK in a Changing Europe, 6 December 2016.
With Geoffrey Harris, ‘From Brexit to Trump: Transatlantic allies in an era of unpredictability’ EurActive, 24 November 2016.
‘A Trump Presidency would present an enormous challenge for the UK-US “Special Relationship”’ LSE British Politics and Policy blog, 5 November 2016.
‘Why it was not alright on the EU referendum night’ E!Sharp, 31 Oct 2016.
‘Brexit is about Europe, not Britain’ UK in a Changing Europe blog, 13 Oct 2016.
‘Brexit: the many roads to a crisis’ LSE BrexitVote blog, 21 September 2016.
‘We must not ignore the rise of English nationalism’, Newsweek, 27 July 2016.
‘Ideas, Interests, Institutions, International and Individuals: The five Is of Brexit’ E!Sharp, 7 July 2016.
‘Fifty shades of Brexit’ LSE BrexitVote blog, 1 July 2016.
‘Brexit, stage left’ Mark News, 28 June 2016.
‘Forget independence for London – but the capital needs its own devolved government more than ever’ LSE British Politics and Policy blog, 26 June 2016.
‘How will the EU interpret the Brexit vote?’ LSE BrexitVote blog, 24 June 2016.
Compiled and edited the 28 view series ‘European views on Brexit negotiations’, LSE BrexitVote blog, May-June 2016.
‘This referendum won’t settle the European question’ Demos Quarterly, May 2016.
‘Brexit or Bremain for British Security?’ Sustainable Security, May 2016
‘Facing Britain’s European Obsession’ Ripon Forum, April 2016.
With Oliver Daddow, ‘The not so awkward partner’ LSE Brexit Vote Blog, April 2016.
‘Obama is right to repeat his opposition to Brexit’ UK in a Changing Europe, April 2016.
‘Preparations for a Brexit: Introduction’ LSE Brexit Vote Blog, April 2016. Editor of series covering every EU member state.
‘Facing Britain’s European Obsession’ The Ripon Forum, Vol 50, No. 2, April 2016.
‘How future UK EU referendums might happen’ Federal Trust blog, 29 Feb 2016.
Compiled and edited the three part series ‘The European Parliament and the UK’s Renegotiation: what do MEPs think?’ LSE Brexit Vote blog, December 2015-Febraury 2016.
‘Britain and the EU: a question of International Relations’ LSE Brexit Vote blog, January 2016.
‘A kingdom of many parts: analysing how Londoners and the English view the EU is key’, LSE Brexit Vote blog, December 2015.
‘How the EU responds to a British withdrawal will be determined by 5 key factors’ LSE Brexit Vote blog, December 2015.
‘A question of National Security’ UK in a Changing Europe, November 2015.
Compiled and edited the series ‘Views of the UK’s renegotiation: Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and India’ LSE Brexit Vote blog, November 2015.
‘Security and the Brexit debate’ LSE Brexit Vote blog, November 2015.
‘An elephant in the room: Brexit and the UK’s defence review’ LSE British Politics and Policy blog, Nov 2015.
‘Facing Europe’s British Question’ Queries Magazine, Autumn 2015.
Compiled and edited the 27 piece series ‘EU member state views of the UK-EU renegotiation’, LSE EUROPP blog, September-October 2015.
‘Brexit is an issue President Obama has every right to be concerned about’, USAPP Blog, Jul 2015.
‘Magna Carta and the transatlantic relationship’ Dahrendorf Blog, July 2015.
‘Why it might not be alright on the Euro-referendum night’ E!Sharp, June 2015.
‘Europe’s awkward questions about is awkward partner’ UACES Blog, May 2015.
‘UK would lose 8% of its economy by quitting the EU’ Huffington Post, May 2015.
‘Little Britain’s Big Election’ LSE USA Politics and Policy blog, May 2015.
‘First Past the Post is Breaking Up the UK’ Democratic Audit, May 2015.
‘The Liberal Democrats in government: marching towards the sound of gunfire’ LSE British Politics and Policy Blog, May 2015.
‘Can an in-out referendum solve the European question in British politics? E!Sharp, January 2015.
‘Europe’s Brexit Question’ UACES Blog, January 2015
‘London, Britain and Europe: places apart?’ APSA British Politics Group Blog, November 2014.
‘The UK: should it come or go?’, Oct 2014.
‘European and international views of the UK-EU relationship’ APSA British Politics Group Blog, September 2014.
‘Is it time for a balance of competences review of the UK?’ LSE British Politics and Policy Blog, September 2014.
‘A devolved government for London would be a big step towards rebalancing power in the UK’ LSE British Politics and Policy Blog, September 2014.
‘Scotland: out of the UK and into the EU? Views from France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, Belgium and the UK.’ Two part edited series for IP Journal, August 2014.
‘What would an EU without Britain look like?’ E-International Relations, August 2014.
‘Brexit Stage Right’ Foreign Policy, July 2014.
‘Scotland and the EU: at the Braveheart of Europe or a Little Britain?’ IP Journal, June 2014.
‘The Five Routes to a Brexit: how the UK might quit the EU’ LSE EUROPP Blog, June 2014.
‘London bucks the UKIP surge and appears headed in a direction far removed from the rest of the UK’, LSE British Politics and Policy Blog, June 2014.
‘US views of the Scottish Referendum’ Royal Scottish Geographical Society, April 2014.
‘Londoners are no Little Englanders’ British Politics and Policy Blog, March 2014.
‘Strategic Myopia in the Fight for Scotland and the UK’ Huffington Post, March 2014.
With John Bruton, former Irish Taoiseach, ‘Consent of a majority of the rest of the EU will be needed if there is to be a new UK-EU relationship.’ LSE British Politics and Policy Blog, Jan 2014.
‘Cool the Talk of TTIP as an “Economic NATO”’ Huffington Post, December 2013.
‘A UK-EU Divorce: Bad News for America,’ The National Interest, December 2013
With Almut Möller, ‘London and Berlin are not speaking the same language with it comes to EU reform.’ LSE EUROPP blog, November 2013.
‘Is the EU asleep as the UK sleepwalks out of the EU?’ E!Sharp, October 2013.
‘The British Problem Facing a Transatlantic Trade Deal’ Huffington Post, Oct 2013.
‘A European Union Without Britain is the Last Thing America Needs’ Huffington Post, Oct 2013.
‘A European Union without Britain would have big implications for Europe too’, Newsletter of the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum, October 2013.
‘Who Suffers Most from a Brexit’, IP Journal, DGAP, June 2013.
‘The Crowded World of the Foreign Secretary’ Yorkshire Post, April 2007.
Sir Tim Garden and Tim Oliver: ‘Flexible Integration in the Area of CFSP/ESDP’. Questionnaire for Austrian Academy of Sciences. Summer 2004.
UK Answers to FORNET CFSP Database Questionnaire, FORNET Research Network. 2003, 2004, 2005. (